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  • Oct 02 Thu 2008 21:40
  • 閃爍


gottabeme 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In front of the door he had been indicated to open, the young man turned toward the king, and slowly and steadily he spoke,
"If loving her as a poor young lad shoule be a crime, then I am guilty."
The king was astonished at the firmness between his words as the lad continued.
"It takes no luck, no doors, nor any tiger to convict me; for I love her, as much as you do."
At the moment the boy gazed upon her beloved face, the princess stood up and made a signal for him to take the door on the right.
"Seat her." The king gave the order, barely moving his lips. With the sunlight of late afternoon over his face, he looked aged and feeble, like an ancient statue that had born rains and winds of a thousand years. "Make your decision."
The young man's fists tightened when he saw the princess be put to seat against her will. He gave her a smile that only she could understand once she settled and threw her helpless, desperate pupils at him. And she knew that he had decided.
She bore her head into her arms, weeping in silence, so that she could still hear her lover's steps toward...
The lad came before the doors and turned to the princess. This was the last time he would ever see her, before he started his brand-new life on the other side of the wooden door.
He took the door on his left.
When the tiger came roaring out of the door, the lad didn't even take a step back.

Under the twilight stars, the soil in the arena was still soaked with the blood of the man who had loved a woman, glittering.

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She fell in love with a boy who couldn't love.
The boy had fallen for so many times, so many that he decided that he would stand up no more, that he would love no more.
She'd wait for him though, even if it took forever.
And looking into her eyes, the boy realized how being able to love someone is such a blessing; a blessing he didn't know how to appreciate and eventually lost.

He made a wish. He wished that he had never made that wish that night.
Now the girl was looking at him with her innocent eyes. He wished he hadn't given up so easily.

"What's so wonderful about loveing someone, if she never loves you back?" the boy questioned the Moon.
"To love, is the greatest gift you are ever bestowed with," the Moon replied.
"Duh." The boy turned to the Star. "Loving someone has caused far too much harm without any of my efforts rewarded. This is something I'd rather do without."
"If you wish it," the Star said, "then it is a wish granted."
He never loved again since then. Not until...
Through the years he gazed upon the girl's sweet, affectionate face with envy. He wished he could love again. He wished he could love her, as easy as she had loved him.

The Star told him, "To love gives you the power, not being loved."
"But I can't love no more," the boy grumbled with remorse.
"You shall." Then the Star was gone.
"Why leave now? I will miss you dearly..." The boy realized with amazement that he had loved the Star. He dashed back to the girl, could hardly wait to hold her tight and kiss her for the rest of his life with a fire he hadn't had for ages.

Wanna know how the story ended?
No need to guess.
It's Happily Never After this time.

Forever had come and gone.
She had wasted far too much time, for a pathetic sinner. She had finally decided that there were better ways to waste her time, which were love herself and treasure the little youth she was left with.
Thanks for being loved anyway.

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  • May 28 Mon 2007 21:11
  • 謬劇




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昨夜,我吃了一顆Dove箴言巧克力PROMISES Message,

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Everyone has his own agenda.

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  • Mar 05 Sun 2006 17:35
  • 砲台


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「剛剛有『ㄅㄨ ㄅㄨ』聲啊。」惑然。


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Elena left them all, including Tessie.
“She lied. She said she would stay by me. Forever. But now, she has gone. Forever.” Tessie said to herself.
She crawled out of her bed, and moved to her desk. Tessie picked up the envelope from the trash can. She decided she didn’t want to get rid of it.
Tessie took out some notes from the envelope. One of them was the first card Tessie had ever received from a peer. It was a Happy-Birthday card.
〝Tessie, you should cheer up. It’s your birthday! Happy Birthday to you! Elena〞
The handwriting was fuzzed by Tessie’s touches, but she could very well remember every single stroke on the thin, suffused-with-yellow paper.
Tessie didn’t even have a clue about Elena when she got the note. Elena means nothing at all in her life. All she knew was Tessie, Mommy, study, and Tessie. Until that note. The next day, she had found that Elena was a girl who sat right next to her.
Tessie kept silent. Her mind was pushing Elena out of her life—her bland but peaceful life—while her heart was yearning for her care, her note, her kindness, and a friend. At the end, Tessie decided that she was a sensible person. “I was an island. I am an island. I will be an island. The island of me and myself.” She said.
After that, Tessie got one note once in a while.
〝Tessie, Would you want to go to a picnic with my family this Saturday noon in the park? If you can come, tell me at school, ok? Elena〞
Of course, Tessie didn’t. She was too mature to do something like picnicking.
“So, can you come?” Elena asked Tessie in the middle of history class.
Tessie moved uncomfortably, and murmured, “No talking in class.”
She knew Elena would give up, and apparently, she had to. Tessie’s answer implied an absolute “No.” But somehow, Tessie wished she would have come to her and asked her again. But she knew, again, she would have given her another implication of “No.”
It had been like that for a month. Elena just wouldn’t give up the will to become Tessie’s friend, while Tessie was always eluding her, but at the same time, watching her. Tessie found that Elena was someone who had had a good number of friends, enough to stay touched to the world. Unlike Tessie. “I am an island.”
〝Tessie, Although I haven’t known you very well, I do like you. When you feel like talking to someone, you can always come to me. I will stay by you forever. Elena〞
That, became the evidence of Elena’s broken promise.
Tessie felt betrayed, and guilty as well. She wished she had talked to her, the only one on earth who cared about her besides her Mommy, and she wished she had become her friend. But she hadn’t. And she would never have. Elena was gone, and was never, ever going to return.
She had died.
Tessie did not attend her funeral, because no one had ever told her where it was going to take place. Even if someone did, she probably wouldn’t go anyway. It’s too odd and overwhelming for her simple life.
“Never to be returned to us.” Mrs. Wilson said.
Never, is an awful long time. Tessie thought.
For one second, Tessie had hated Elena. Hated her leaving the class; hated not receiving her small note even when she craned her neck out of the window to catch a glimpse of the empty mailbox; hated to see people weeping for her; hated the impulsive water hazing her sight; and above all, hated herself for not talking to Elena.
〝Tessie, Don’t be so shy. You are an excellent person. You can make friends with anyone you want anytime. We all love you. Elena〞
Is it so? Tessie frowned and looked into a mirror at herself.
The next day, the day after Tessie had recalled all her feelings about Elena, she went to school.
“Um, you’re Polly?” Tessie asked a blond girl.
“Well, yeah. You’re Tessie, right?” Polly responded.
Tessie nodded. “I was wondering if you would mind having me in your literature discussion group…”
“Oh, you’d like to join us?”
Tessie got herself together and said, “Yes. Sort of.”
“That’d be wonderful!” Polly grinned.
Tessie knew, as she always knew, she was an island no more. “I was an island. I am, no longer.” There’s something in Elena that made her feel the need of others, of friends, of friendship, of caring, of love.
She figured. Elena left, and gave her the finest gift in herself. Elena was no more, but something in her—something warm—had been left to Tessie. Something that nothing else can replace.
〝Tessie, I wish you can remember me, as a friend. Elena〞

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